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I'm going to start my first reef tank a 24 gallon one. I;m hopeing to get two Blue-green Chromis, a Blue Linckia Starfish and a Firefish or two. Then if I can keep those alive for a while I want to add a False Percula Clownfish or two. After few years I'm thinking of starting another tank with seahorses.

So I was hopeing I could get some advice on what I should get for my first tank or if I should get different fish or something.

Any and all advice will be helpful thanx

Nickel =)


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Hi Nickel,

The equipment you will need will depend on what you want to keep. If you imagine that you will want a reef tank full of corals, then lighting and circulation will be your big concerns. If you just want to have a tank with fish, you can get by with much less of each.

I'm a big fan of using live rock and a protein skimmer for filtration, and no mechanical filtration of any type.

I think 24 gallons is a good size for a first tank.

The most important thing is go slowly. Plan your set up carefully and only add livestock after your tank is good and established, and even then take your time.

Asking questions first is a good predictor of success, so I am sure you will do great.


Advanced Reefer
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Great advice. Your fish selection is perfectly fine. The rest of your set up will depend on what other organisms you plan on keeping (namely what kind of corals, if any).

Remember to read the first few threads in this forum ("sticky'ed" up top). They contain a HUGE volume of good info.


Experienced Reefer
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a blue linckia will slowly starve in a tank that size. even in a large tank these stars are difficult to keep...you may want to look into another species if this is your first tank..other than that everything else sounds great...good luck


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Thanx for your replys. Well I was thinking of getting some live rock (not sure how much) and some coral hopefuly ones that don't need a ton of light. I really like Pulse Coral, Green Star Polyps, and Candy Coral.I want to get fake Anemone too for when I get my Clown. If the Blue Linckia Starfish is going to die I was thinking maybe I should get a Fromia Starfish.

Any thoughts?

Thanxs for the help



Advanced Reefer
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What tank is 24 gallons? One of the all in one systems?

All the corals are nice easy that like moderate light. As for the starfish, you are going to want your tank to be "mature" before you get it.


Experienced Reefer
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I would consider a 33g cube, great size and dimensions for a starter. You wont have to upgrade any time soon. You can do alot in terms rock structure etc...

Joe W
Honda Trailsport

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