Hey everyone, brand new member of the site, and I just wanted to get some thoughts on my setup, see if I'm doing things right. A few more things to go, but here's what I have so far.
I have a 110 gallon with pre-drilled overflow.
Pro-clear 125 wet dry filter with 700 gph mag-drive return pump.
Coralife super skimmer needle-wheel skimmer rated 125 gallon.
300 watt marineland heater.
Coralife 48" aqualight pro metal halides with ballasts.
2 Tunze nano-stream 6025's with natural wave pump timer.
It's been rough going from the start. It took me three days to get the wet/dry working because they kept giving me the wrong tubing at the LFS and I just had to go to home depot and do it myself. After I installed the lights they almost fell into the tank when one of the mounting legs broke, and now the pump that came with my skimmer isn't running when plugged in.
I did luck out by getting some pretty nice cured rock from another of the LFS when some guy who had a saltwater tank came in and gave them his rock. I got about 70 lbs at 4 bucks a lb.
Here's a couple of pics of the setup, what do you all think?
I have a 110 gallon with pre-drilled overflow.
Pro-clear 125 wet dry filter with 700 gph mag-drive return pump.
Coralife super skimmer needle-wheel skimmer rated 125 gallon.
300 watt marineland heater.
Coralife 48" aqualight pro metal halides with ballasts.
2 Tunze nano-stream 6025's with natural wave pump timer.
It's been rough going from the start. It took me three days to get the wet/dry working because they kept giving me the wrong tubing at the LFS and I just had to go to home depot and do it myself. After I installed the lights they almost fell into the tank when one of the mounting legs broke, and now the pump that came with my skimmer isn't running when plugged in.
I did luck out by getting some pretty nice cured rock from another of the LFS when some guy who had a saltwater tank came in and gave them his rock. I got about 70 lbs at 4 bucks a lb.
Here's a couple of pics of the setup, what do you all think?