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I've tried to find the answer, and haven't found anything specific to my case. So sorry if this seems repetitive.

Tank Specs:
100 Gallon w/ 40 gallon Sump
Protein Skimmer
Return Pump
100 lbs live rock
20 lbs live sand
80 lbs regular sand

We've had the tank cycling for about 3 weeks now. We have A LOT of brown algae, some green algae, and some deep maroon/violet algae growing.

We've been testing the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, and so far we've had no traces of ammonia (below .25) and very high nitrites and very high nitrates.

Is this normal? Nothing has really been changing. We've been doing weekly water changes and we've been cleaning out the skimmer.


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I think you're on the right track. Sounds like you've had some impresive algae blooms, which would point to the fact that you're still having nutrient spikes. As you know algae will pop up like that in growth spurts when nutrients become readily available.

I would suggest that you keep up with your water changed, keep cleaning that skimmer and give it another week or so:) The algae blooms SHOULD slow down. IME you will also experience algaeal blooms if the temp of the tank is leaning on the warm side.

BTW when you said you have "Regular" sand.. are you talking regular reef sand (as in crushed argonite) or playground sand?

GL to you!!!



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It's aquarium sand. Just not live. Heh.

Thank you.

Right now, the tank sits at around 77-78. We also have metal halide lights... so I suppose that's probably helping with the algae!

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