Hello and Thanks in Advance!
Here is the scenario:
Purchased a new reef tank - had the shop set it up - they promised us they would help get us going!
Cycled it for two weeks and added 5 cleaner shrimp and 5 snails and 2 tiny starfish
Waited two weeks changing 10% of water and adjusting chemicals
Shop said we could add 2 clown fish and an anemone
Bought 2 clown fish and an anemone
Added them to the tank using appropriate method
Immediately shrimp start attacking anemone
After much research on the internet turned out we had peppermint shrimp and a aiptasia anemone
Peppermint shrimp eat aiptasia anemones (see YouTube)
Tried to catch peppermint shrimp - no such luck
Took the poor aiptasia anemone back to shop
Got a bubble tip anemone - added it to the tank
Now the anemone has gone behind a bunch of rocks and we can not feed it there - clown fish have no access to it
After further research, it seems we have been advised to add an anemone to soon!
So what should I do?
Be patient and let the tank work it out?
Get another anemone for the clown fish? - Probably not!
Try and relocate the anemone?
We will be looking for a more educated aquarium store as these people seem to have no clue!
We will also be taking charge of this tank and not relying on others when we add things to our tank!
Here is the scenario:
Purchased a new reef tank - had the shop set it up - they promised us they would help get us going!
Cycled it for two weeks and added 5 cleaner shrimp and 5 snails and 2 tiny starfish
Waited two weeks changing 10% of water and adjusting chemicals
Shop said we could add 2 clown fish and an anemone
Bought 2 clown fish and an anemone
Added them to the tank using appropriate method
Immediately shrimp start attacking anemone
After much research on the internet turned out we had peppermint shrimp and a aiptasia anemone
Peppermint shrimp eat aiptasia anemones (see YouTube)
Tried to catch peppermint shrimp - no such luck
Took the poor aiptasia anemone back to shop
Got a bubble tip anemone - added it to the tank
Now the anemone has gone behind a bunch of rocks and we can not feed it there - clown fish have no access to it
After further research, it seems we have been advised to add an anemone to soon!
So what should I do?
Be patient and let the tank work it out?
Get another anemone for the clown fish? - Probably not!
Try and relocate the anemone?
We will be looking for a more educated aquarium store as these people seem to have no clue!
We will also be taking charge of this tank and not relying on others when we add things to our tank!