Hey Everyone,
So I had a 29gal Oceanic BioCube reef tank for about a year and a half while I was in college, but unfortunately, on my move back home after graduation, the tank cracked and I had to put together an emergency aquarium before my trip to Europe. Luckily, I had a 55gal tank at my house, so I through together an emergency home for my fish and corals. Three days later I left for Europe and hoped for the best (with my little brother watching over my very new tank).
Anyway, I’m back and everything is well, ok, definitely better than expected.
I have around 80lbs of live rock, about 1 inch of live sand, an Eheim Canister Filter, a Bakpak protein skimmer, and a Power Compact lighting system providing just over 4 watts per gallon. I purchased an R/O system, and use a phosphate reducer in my canister filter.
Since I had the Biocube, I didn’t have to do too much, so I’m still relatively inexperienced. I do 20% water changes each month and have a good amount of water circulation in the tank.
Are there any obvious things that I am missing, or anything you guys would recommend?
I have had issues with red slime algae and am trying to fight it off now.
So I had a 29gal Oceanic BioCube reef tank for about a year and a half while I was in college, but unfortunately, on my move back home after graduation, the tank cracked and I had to put together an emergency aquarium before my trip to Europe. Luckily, I had a 55gal tank at my house, so I through together an emergency home for my fish and corals. Three days later I left for Europe and hoped for the best (with my little brother watching over my very new tank).
Anyway, I’m back and everything is well, ok, definitely better than expected.
I have around 80lbs of live rock, about 1 inch of live sand, an Eheim Canister Filter, a Bakpak protein skimmer, and a Power Compact lighting system providing just over 4 watts per gallon. I purchased an R/O system, and use a phosphate reducer in my canister filter.
Since I had the Biocube, I didn’t have to do too much, so I’m still relatively inexperienced. I do 20% water changes each month and have a good amount of water circulation in the tank.
Are there any obvious things that I am missing, or anything you guys would recommend?
I have had issues with red slime algae and am trying to fight it off now.