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Ive been looking into setting up my lighting and I really can't find any nice hoods or any thing that looks good. Just these big bolky looking lights that you put on eggcrate. Any suggestions on were I might find something nice for my 30x12x18 tank?


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I assume you're doing some kind of reef set up? I haven't seen too many hoods I'd describe as slick. LEDs probably have the lowest profile, but based on what else I've read from others, ones that are good enought for corals are pretty dang expensive.

Many of the T5 HO strips are pretty low profile, and are pretty reasonably priced if you hunt around.

I have a metal halide set from Current USA. I can't say it's sexy. It's pretty much a long black strip about 5" high oval in cross section. It's not ugly either. Hopefully everyone's looking at the critters and not the light anyway.

You might consider building your own canopy, and mounting a lighting system into it. Many manufacturers build kits for this. My only advise here is to plan on your ballasts being located remotely to avoid water getting into them and install reflectors as well. Also include a ventilation fan (or more, espeically if you go with metal halides) in your design. If you're not that handy, you might seek out someone who build furniture for a living or as a hobby and see what they can do for you. Most canopies are pretty much boxes with a hinged lid, and I can't imagine it taking too long to build for an experieinced carpenter. You'll need good solid measurements before he goes to work for you.
I had a canopy I made with a VHO set in it that looked pretty nice, but I made several mistakes in the design. The 4 bulb system barely fit in it, I used no reflectors (although the bulbs had thier own internal reflectors), and the canopy was not easy to open and close for feeding. It also had to be completely removed to do maintenance inside the tank. The final nail in the coffin was that I mounted the ballast on the inside of the canopy, so it was very prone to water damage. I used this on a 37, the same footprint as your 29. If I were you, and I didn't want a strip on the tank, I'd look at suspending a fixture above the tank. You could canitlever it from the wall or suspend it from the ceiling. That leaves you room to get into the tank with the lights on. You could hide the fixture in a box made to match your stand or other furniture.

I'm sure others have some thoughts as well.

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