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I have a 55gal corner pentagon aquarium that I plan to house softies and some LPS corals. The dimensions of the aquarium are 24x 24 x25 I am debating between between a 150W MH system with 2 atinic light bulbs (about 4 watts per gal)or a T5 system with 6 bulbs 18w each(half white and half blue). Please let me know if you think the T5 system will provide enough light to maintain the corals in my tank or if I should go with the more expensive MH system.

Thanks in advance,



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T5s could certainly do the job well, but how well will depend on what fixture and which LPS. Fixtures which have individual reflectors are the most effective, but a more run of the mill fixture might also be OK with LPS that do OK with relatively dimmer light (I'm thinking Blastos). Oh, and don't forget to factor in the cost of replacing more bulbs with T5 fixtures.


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Thanks for the response. The T5 light fixture I was looking at was the Nova extreme pro (20 inch). As for LPS Corals I was looking at bubble coral, torch coral, Elegance coral or maybe some Zoo's. Do you see any problems with those?


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With the Nova Extreme Pro, I think you'd be alright with most things at that depth. Certainly no problem with the corals you mention. You could even get away with an SPS or two near the top.

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