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Barnum Island
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Siphon out as much as you can, do a water change and increase the flow within your tank so you have no 'dead' areas.Snails will help to a degree, but you need to fix the cause of the cyano or it will continue to reoccur.


Experienced Reefer
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my friend adds sugar to his sump.. dunno how much he adds but I know it cured all his problems with red allgee if you want you can message him on here
questionmarc is his user name I think he adds a teaspoon once a day and he has 150 gallon


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
Rating - 99.4%
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as for ick if you can qt the fish, one of the best livestock i have bought is my cleaner shrimp, they help alot with the problem, but wont solve the problem, water change, flow for the cyano, also do you use a ro\di to filter tap water ?

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