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Queens, Nyc
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my drain pipe is so loud. i can hear it from 5 ft away. i even redid my plumbing with 1 1/4 pvc pipe. the noise starts from my 45 degree elbow. i want it dead silence. i tired with the holes (3 large holes). nothing works. please help.
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bad coffee

Inept at life.
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do you have a durso or stockman standpipe?

is the sound coming from the standpipe, the drain, or the sump?

have you tried a ball valve on the drain (sump end) to provide a bit of back pressure?


Advanced Reefer
Queens, Nyc
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do you have a durso or stockman standpipe?
im not sure which one i really have. i believe it is durso.

is the sound coming from the standpipe, the drain, or the sump?
from my standpipe, starts from the 45 degree elbow.

have you tried a ball valve on the drain (sump end) to provide a bit of back pressure?


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If you look, the 45 is the L. :smash:

If your getting noises it means that your draining quicker than your pumping into the tank. If you match both and something gets stuck in the drain, like a rogue snail or soemthing then there is the problem of the tank overflowing. You create the holes in the top to provide a suction effect to create backpressure in the pipe and regulate the flow through it a little. If its still not enough u use a ball valve or gate (gate valve works better because you have more control) on the drain somewhere to create more backpressure. Also the durso should be 1/8 or 1/4 bigger than the drain itself. also if you drill a hole at the top of the durso and push in some airline tube and put a small valve on it you can control the air into it better. Also people say the airline tube end pushed past where the water flows off in the T part helps to minimize noise also. Also having the 45 at an angle also helps.

That all make sense?


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Jersey City
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try to raise the elbow higher or lower till you get the desired noise level. That is how i "dialed" mine in.

Another thing to try is to insert an air line into the hole so the air empties out further down the pipe.


Advanced Reefer
Queens, Nyc
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try to raise the elbow higher or lower till you get the desired noise level. That is how i "dialed" mine in.

Another thing to try is to insert an air line into the hole so the air empties out further down the pipe.

i did both. the thing is you can hear water rushing in even it is at lowest speed.

would vac hose be dead silence?

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