New to Reefs
Hello there: I am new to the reef hobby, but have been doing fresh water and brackish water as well as some salt water aquariums for a long time now. I just recently purchased a 75 gallon salt water setup from someone. In this setup he included the live sand on the bottom, about an inch of the existing water and 40 pounds of live rock. I did not have the live rock submerged but kept it wet for about 2 days while I set up the aquarium. The rock does not seem any black slime on it from death, nor does it have any odors, so I think I am safe with that. I just now finished setting up the aquarium. The lighting system is a HO T5 2x52 watt (one bulb is blue, one bulb is white), a Amircale wet/dry filter and a protein skimmer. I checked to make sure the specific gravity was fine and it is. I got the wet/dry working fine. In the wet/dry, I did not put in the bio balls because I heard it traps nitrates. I also did not put in any chelicals in the chemical trap, but did put the sponge down by there chemical trap to catch the debris. One of my questions is since this is going to be a reef tank can I add live sand and some live rock in the sump area to make it a refugeum, or do I add it to the area where the bio balls where supposed to be? I do not really want to build a separate refugeum if I do not have to. Here is a link to what the wet/dry setup is supposed to look like. I am also getting 80 or 90 more ponds of live rock from someone tomorrow and adding it for a total of 120 - 130 pouns of live rock, which should be perfect for a 75 gallon aquarium. I know that for a reef tank I have to add one additional 4 or 6 bulb metal halided or 4 bulb T5 light to the aquarium. As for the protein skimmer, I did not set it up as I have to get a pump for it. It is a creative platic research (CPR) protein skimmer and it is large. I would have to say 24" in height and I think the model # is similiar to a SLR4 from that company. From what I gather it looks like I have to get a pump and hook it up to the input and have the output go into the sump area. In the input there seems to be a tiny hose coming out. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am going to assume that this hose it to pump air into the intake and should be hooked up to a air pump. So, to wrap this up, these are the basic questions I have.
1) Will the live rock and sand be o.k. ?
2) Will an additional T5 4x52 watt in addition to the T% HO 2x52Watt be o.k. for the corals I will be getting?
3) Am I correct in assuming that if I just get the pump and connect the air line to the intake of the protein skimmer I will be fine?
4) How do I set up the wet/dry to be a refugeum since I do not have any chemicals in it or bio balls? Here is the link again.
5) The guy did give me what I think is some kind of eel. It is about 6 inches long, light brown, with nice lon curvy light yellow colored stripes from head to tail. I put him in the aquarium already, since he had been living in a tupperware container for a few days now. He seems to be happy but hungry. Do you know what kind of fish this is and what do I feed him?
6) The aquarium seems to be a bit cloudy. When will it clear up and will it be clearer quicker when I add the protein skimmer and make the wet/dry into a refugeum?
thank you for helping