- Location
- New York City
You know I didn't have any algae growth until I started using Distilled water (and I was using NYC tap water initially) but, I also got the light around that time. I wonder... Better off just getting a damn RO/DI unit.
Nitrosomonas and nitrobacter... arent those the same strains found in FW Bio Spira? Those are the strains that turn ammo --> nitrite -->nitrate.You asked what is "Special Blend", below is a quick look at what it is suppose to do. I just recently started to use it so I can't say wether or not I recommend it.
">Contains both Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter bacteria
Other benefits include: Organic waste degrader, naturally stimulates plant growth, lowers ammonia levels and biologically reduces nitrates, removes odors and clears cloudy water, enhances ability of plants to utilize light, water and nutrietnts, breaks down residue on gravel, plants, rocks, etc.
Great for both fresh and saltwater fish."
It is difficult to syphon a sand bed with out removing the sand via the syphon.
Your complaint about running the RO/DI in an apt. is sort of understandable. But think of it this way: at least you don't pay for water.lol Get a small unit that hooks up to the faucet, make your water, and put it away.
I would just start using ro/di water, gfo in a reactor, and perhaps the "Special Blend".
Your phosphates are not 0, and trust me if your kit says .25 it is probably more likely that it is actually 2.5.
Batt, I think you need to run your checkers' test again.I initially got the same reading of 0.00, but after playing with the checkers a little more got 1.27, now down to .48 after running new gfo/carbon through a reactor & weekly 20% water changes, and second week of the "Special Blend".