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Dj Orion

Advanced Reefer
Suffolk 11772
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I added a pair of harlequin shrimp 2 days ago, and they are not eating. I noticed that the asterina stars (only a few of them) made a break for the glass when they were added, but the harleys arent going for them. I placed a cc star in the tank and they are still not going for it. Today the harleys came out of hiding and I dropped the cc star right in front of them, and they still have taken no interest in it. Has anyone experienced anything like this when they added new harly's to their reefs? Am I missing something here?


No More Room :-(
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Good luck with them Ryan. I only this morning at 5am with the flashlight noticed our Harleys eating the Asterinas. I knew they were eating them because of the decreasing numbers of the stars but never actually saw them eating one.. pretty neat. This weekend we'll be going shopping for a CC.

I personally think they are the cutest lil' boogers :) If it is any consolation our Anemone shrimp was missing a claw when we got him (didn't notice until after the fact either) and he has two now and is doing great.


White Plains
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i have the same problem, i added one and all the asterina stars ran for the glass. i had mine for about a week he's been in the same spot for days. i dropped a red starfish on him and he didn't do anything, he's still alice though. i guess all i have to do is wait and see what happens


Advanced Reefer
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astria are starfish and harlies only eat them if desperate... kinda like if all you eat is prime rib steak and all you can get is skirt and stuck up you wont eat it....

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