anywhere from 75- 79 is good, try to keep mine at 78 with fans. anywhere above 82 is geting dangerous. also the warmer the tank is the faster the corals grow because their metabolism goes up, the only thing is their skelital structure is not as dense so they are more fragile. as long as you have a steady temperature that is fine.
Tank's set to 80; it general stays within .2 of that. In the summer I've gotten up to 85.5 or so during the hottest days, but usually it didn't get over 84. My controller's set up to turn off lights and keep fans going in response to the temps rising too high.
After doing a of research I'm convinced that "about 80" is the best General Reef Tank Temperature; too much below that, and you're significantly restricting the metabolism of your critters, leaving them vulnerable to disease and just not growing as well as they could be, and anywhere up to about 84 is OK, and temps above that surviveable with little problem so long as you reduce the amount of light going into the system and the tank is very well-aerated. (When lit, particularly by strong sources such as metal halides, corals tend to heat up to a few degrees above the water around them. So when your MHs are on, and your water is 84, your coral could be at 87. If you turn off the lights, the corals rapidly cool to the water temperature, and you avoid getting to the point that corals start to bleach and die.)