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"H" Division
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I have a couple of questions regarding salt mixes. Don't the manufacturers formulate salt mixes and all of their other elements in the mixes (Calcium, magnesium, iodine, stronium, ETC....) to be of correct levels at a salinity of 35ppt the same as natural seawater? If the aforementioned is true then why would one want to have a salinity level any lower then that of seawater if the proper amount of elements wouldn't make it's way into the tank at a lower salinity level? Just a thought and am curious.
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Hobbiests tends to keep their salinity at normal levels...reefkeepers sometimes even keep salinity slightly higher, like 36ppt. People with fish only tanks sometimes keep salinity slightly lower, in the hopes that it will deter parasites. LFS however frequently keep salinity low, sometimes way too low in their fish only tanks. Supposedly its to reduce disease and parasites (I fail to see how stressing a fish can reduce disease in the long run), but I suspect its to save money on the costs of salt during water changes.


"H" Division
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Hobbiests tends to keep their salinity at normal levels...reefkeepers sometimes even keep salinity slightly higher, like 36ppt. People with fish only tanks sometimes keep salinity slightly lower, in the hopes that it will deter parasites. LFS however frequently keep salinity low, sometimes way too low in their fish only tanks. Supposedly its to reduce disease and parasites (I fail to see how stressing a fish can reduce disease in the long run), but I suspect its to save money on the costs of salt during water changes.

Thanks for the insight. I asked because I see a lot of people keeping their tanks at ranges from 1.021 to 1.024 and was curious as to the reason why. In essence they are not getting the full benefit of their salt mixes. Next fish I get I'm going to check their water and see what they are doing.


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Stores typically keep the salinity low to combat certain kinds of parasites and to save money. Lower salinity over the short term is LESS stressful for fish, supposedly, because it makes osmoregulation (sp?) easier.

As for salt mixes - the mixing/creation process is far from perfect. Different batches of the same brand of salt can have varying chemical consistencies. Also, not all salts are produced to obtain natural seawater salinity.

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