You might get mixed reviews like I did but i have owned an Aquavim 105 gallon corner tank for over a year now and I love it nothing to complain about. The sad part is, is that I'm selling it now because I have no more time for this hobby. Work and my 2 kids are what I need to focus on.
i picked one up a couple of weeks ago. really impressive glass with the bends and all. i got the 110 gal with the center overflow. however their drains are 1.5 out and 1 inch in so you will need to rig it if you don;t go with their set up. head out to maspeth and see alex. he will take care of you on specials.great guy. will really work with you he must have pulled out at least 10 tanks and stands to match the existing furniture i have to avoid the wifes bickering. lol. where are you looking to get it from?