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hello, I just finished converting everything from my 45 gallon and my 14 gallon biocube into our new 120 gallon tank. Everything went extremely well. All of the fish did fine except for our lion, he stopped eating and we found him dead this morning. I have tested all of the water and everything is right on target. Any suggestion of why he was the only fish that didn't take to the transition well?? Thank you for any input you may have.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Should have stated, very sorry for the loss of your lion.

Antennata lion fish are very delicate, could have stressed out. How long did you have him? Where was he during the move? Was he in a pale, tank, tub, did you have ph or airstone and a heater going in what ever you had him in? How long was he out of the tank? See what I mean any number of things with these guys.

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Thank you for your input. We have had the lion for a little over a year. We didn't move any of the fish until it was time to put them into the 120, we wanted to minimize the stress form going to a tub of water to a tank. I guess it didn't work to well for him. My husband and I will be working on trying to get pictures up. We have only been doing salt water for a a few years. We started with the biocube (14 gallon) for our son for a 5th birthday present. He loves all of this stuff. We have allbeen hooked ever since. Thank God, it makes it easier when its time to get new stuff....LOL

Thank you again for your input, hopefully pictures will be up soon


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Hi Kahash, did you acclimate the lion to the new tank? And again I am very sorry you lost your lion. I've lost a couple of lions myself due to one thing or another. The first one I lost to a faulty heater. I got home, and found the heater had stuck on the on position. Yeah, it cooked all my fish.;( The second was an ick outbreak.
Looking forward to those pics! Bet you have a gorgeous system...

Welcome to MR!!!!!!


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Hi Awibrandy,

Well I love the new system, we had the tank, stand and canopy custom built so we had to wait awhile for it. We are very happy with how it turned out. Yes we acclimated him.....I am sorry to loose him but at least the rest of the fish are doing great. I will work on those pics for you...and thanks for the welcome to MR!!


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45 g tank


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    fish tanks 016.jpg
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    fish tanks 015.jpg
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Thank you... The little clown was from our 14 gallon and the bigger two are from our 45 gallon we put them together and they are fine. They all hang out and there has been no signs of any aggretion, if anything the two bigger ones protect the little one. We just added a few more pieces of coral....an elegance, a flower pot, an orange tree sponge some purple zoos and some star pollups.
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Thank you for the compliments. It is a work in progress. Now that we have the bigger tank everything looks a little smaller then it did in the 45 gallon, just another reason to go out and buy some new things like we did yesterday.

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