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Experienced Reefer
Somers, NY
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I just started my Redsea Max 250 and I am starting to get frustrated with the dust cloud that will not go away after adding roughly 60lbs of dry aragonite sand. I chose not to rinse because it says that it takes roughly 24 to 48 hours to clear up and it is now approaching day 5.

I have both pumps running along with the skimmer and I change the filter floss daily. It does not seem to be clearing up.

Does anyone have any suggestions besides doing a masive water change?


Advanced Reefer
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filter floss... might not be fine enough to catch what's floating around. perhaps try a filter sock. how much flow do you have in the tank? Perhaps you've got flow pointed directly on the sand so it can't settle? do you have rocks on top of the sand yet? what else is in the tank other than sand?


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Yes turn off all of your powerheads. Let everything settle for a few days.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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I just started my Redsea Max 250 and I am starting to get frustrated with the dust cloud that will not go away after adding roughly 60lbs of dry aragonite sand. I chose not to rinse because it says that it takes roughly 24 to 48 hours to clear up and it is now approaching day 5.

I have both pumps running along with the skimmer and I change the filter floss daily. It does not seem to be clearing up.

Does anyone have any suggestions besides doing a masive water change?

Do you have any LR in there, or have you started your cycle? Once bacteria start colonizing the grains everything should start settling out fairly quickly.


westbury ny
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Try one of these on a power head,,, They work miracles,,, Aqua clear filter cartrige


Experienced Reefer
Somers, NY
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Right now I do not have any rock in there because I can't see anything in there in order to aquascape.

I may just place a few rocks in there randomly to see if that helps.

I do not have the power heads pointed towards the sand at this time and I may just try the filter socks.

If all else fails I guess I will try turning everything off to see if it settles.

Thanks all


Chairman of the board
Forest Hills
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your sand particles r not binding together so it easily free flows around causing cloudyness. this is normal for a new tank. until your sand starts developing life (live sand), then the sand particles will stay put n thus cloudy water diminishes. to promote life at least some sort of "seed" is required, i.e.(live sand from an est. sand bed, good live rock)

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