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I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with orange tree sponges. We purchased one, and the tips of it are turning like a fuzzy white. It says to keep it in a high flow are but not in direct light. All my water tests fine.... Any advice would be appreciated.
PH 8.0
Calcium 400
Nitrates 0
Nitrites 0
Salintity 1.021
Ammonia 0

Thanks, Kelly


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no it was never exposed to air....we placed the bag in the water then removed it that way. We feed phytoplankton every other day.


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we have had it around one month.....we purchased it from Absolute Fish...I watched the salesman bag it and he was extremely careful, he placed his hand in the bag then in the tank and put it in that way, could it be that in order for me to give it high flow I need to place it higher in the tank closes to the lights? I really don't have any place in the tnak that is high flow and low light. thank you for your help, I guess we will have to just keep an eye on it.


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it's very hard to keep and maintain the sponges. You need to keep them close to the bottom since bubbles will always come from the top of the aquarium from powerheads sucking on air or return water from sump also brings air back inside the tank and floats all over the place so minimize as much air as possible. when you do water changes make sure everything is off...powerheads, skimmers etc anything that will produce bubbles. Just keep an eye on it.
although i've never heard of it dying because is too close to the light.


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thanks bogliman for the help, we have placed as close to the bottom as possible.....although I have not seen any air bubbles anywhere in the tank I will definately keep an eye out for them.....

I just received our chiller today, now we have to get that started up and running...hopefully that is an easy thing to do.



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no...the alk is perfect as well. Not sure what is goin gon but, it is gonna stink if I can't figure it out. It is a nice size and I love the orange color. Guess I will just have to keep an eye on it and hope for the best. Thank you fo everyones help.

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