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Keith P

Mr. No-Show
Great Neck, NY
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I'm planning a quarantine tank. Invert and coral only. How do you maintain water quality? Are water changes the only choice? If so, I may design an auto water change system or maybe a constant water change system.

Any input?

Keith P

Mr. No-Show
Great Neck, NY
Rating - 100%
37   0   0
I would do the water changes as you would do any other tank but to QT inverts?I don't think it's necessary for inverts.

I'm going anal with my new tank. QT everything...

I've never had a QT before and fortunately my fish have never needed a hospital tank (they have never been sick). How often are WC usually necessary? Twice a week? Every other day?


Old School Reefer
Rating - 99.6%
450   2   0
Keith, we picked up these small Duetto filters specifically for QT tanks. Allows you to incorporate biological, chemical (carbon), & mechanical filtration in one small filter. The flow isn't a large turnover. If you're running any copper or chemicals, you can remove the carbon. Just a thought for a small QT.


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