the 75, only because the width compared to the height, the 75 will be easier to do rock work, use less rock and can go with less light needed pending type of corals, in all honesty id jut go with a 120 because of the 2' depth versus 18"
Its hard to choose between the 75 and 90 since they are the same except the 90 is higher so more water volume but at the same time less lighting options but the 75 has less water volume so im not really sure. Anyone rather have a 90 then a 75 and for what reasons, and 120 is out of the questions as its too big, haha.
it's not hard at all. a 75 standard. easier to light than the 90, easier to reach the bottom, and the fish don't use the top few inches anyway.
forget the bow.
water volume can be increased with a sump. don't increase water volume with height.
Thanks, I think I am leaning towards a 75 now just because of the options that it will allow regarding aquascaping and lighting. If I had more room I would do the 120 but thats just too big right now. If there is a good 90g deal I might take that though but not sure if its worth the height issue or not, what do you guys think?
Do you already have the lighting??? What size tank do you have now???
I have a 75 gal. Got it free so it was a no brainer. To do over, I would have picked the 90. I also tend to go overboard w/LR. I like using the full tank height.
If i had the option, i would go with the 90 gallon more volume & display room is always a good thing. as far as the lighting issues vs a 75 coral placement can work around it.
I already have 55 and have a tx5 fixture and thinking of getting either a 75 or 90 and the 120 is out of the question as its way to big but if I had room I would get the 120 for sure. I have been told by many that the tx5 i have is ok with both the 75 and 90 but i want to hear other opinions from you guys. If you guys were to get new lighting would you go T5, MH, or LED?
So what you are saying is that the 120 will stick out 6" to much?
If so that is a real shame. Is there anywhere else in your place you could place the tank where a 120 would fit? I promise you, you will love the 120 so much more then the 75 or 90!!
The depth of the 120 gives you so much more room!!!!
I like the 120 dont get me wrong but that extra 6" will be protruding out too much. I mean I can fit the 120 but it will look too big the area that I am putting the tank has a depth about 18-20" and width about 50" so the 120 could fit but then it will be sticking out.
Is it going to stick out in front of a door way, window. Can you take a pic of where you plan to place the tank? If it is going to stick out into a door or doorway, then definitely DO NOT do it. But anywhere else we can talk.
I can't get to 1 of my windows because of 1 of my
And in my old place I couldn't get to 3 windows total because of my
I hate them as well... i cant take good pics of my 46 bow... I do like the black silicone though. Like most people said... i would go with the 90 as well..