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Hi MR members.I have a fish only tank. I first started with a $100 cheap set up it was 30 gallons with about 30 lbs of lfe rocks,sand aqua clear 50,heater and a skimmer,added a few mollys to cycle the tank and a regular strip light.From there i have upgraded step by step. now i have 75 gallon with 100lbs of life rock a pro clear 125 wet dry,Berlin skimmer. just bought a current nova exteme 4x54 from a fellow MR member.i want to add some coral little by little by i dont have a ro/di system so I need some help on where to get one,how does it work and how to set it up i try the web but the infor is not clear. Any advice would be helpful,thanks


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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R.O.D.I. systems usually come fully assembled. buckeye field supply is a sponsor here and they can assist you affordably.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Don't go any further then gathering the equipment you will need to run a successfull reef. Starting out with tap water is only going to frustrate you.;) Keep checking the for sale forum for a nice used ro/di system.
I bought mine from www.airwaterice.com
This is the one I purchased:
it came with everything I needed to install it, and test the water.
It is a beautiful thing to have....;)
My very best wishes for a successfull reefing experience....


Advanced Reefer
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i just want to add a few corals i know the more corals and and different type you add you have to add different thing to your tank so i want to keep it simple. well that how everybody starts i just wanted a 30 gallon fish only ooooooooooooook. i have a 75 gallon what ro/di will be good, and thanks to everyone that reply


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Did you go and check out the one I posted? I've had mine for almost 3 years now. 5 stage ro/di for $159..

I understand, and agree with you about we all started wanting to keep things simple.;) But one must have piece of equipment besides the tank is an ro/di. Or you will be throwing money down the drain, and causing the life of many many animals.


Advanced Reefer
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yea i did checked it out,just waiting if someone would post one up for sale if by tuesday i will order one,i have a 75 gallon if i upgrade to a 90 will the one you have still be good?thanks


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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lou, mine is servicing a 155 gallon mixed reef, and a 120 gallon fowlr.;) Does that answer your question.LOL

Now here is the tricky part. I live in a house so I am able to keep a 44 gallon full of ro/di water at the ready at all times.:) I use to keep it in my first floor bathroom, but last year I moved it to the basement.
You do not have to keep such a big drum. You can have a smaller one. I do recommend you install a float switch; so in the event that you forget you are making water the float will turn the ro/di off saving you from a flood.......


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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When I started my 75 I went to Home Depot and bought 15 5 gal buckets.

Transported about 90 gallons of rodi from the lfs.

The next weekend I returned 12 5 gallon buckets to home depot.

It was a PITA but I felt a lot better than I would filling with tap water.

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