Yeah...I have to agree completely. By the way, in one of the previous outbreaks that I had before the most recent bout with velvet, I did use a formalin/malechite green treatment that the proprietor of a marine fish store near me gave me that he put together for treating his fish. I did use it in my QT in accordance with his instructions and it worked very well. But, again, so did the Coppersafe. In the most recent outbreak, I removed an Emperor Angelfish, a Tassled Filefish, a Rabbitfish and an Undulatus Angelfish and put them into the QT with Coppersafe and in, literally just over an hour, they were clear of the velvet so far as it being visable on them...and they took food again. But, the bottom line for me is, like pecan says, velvet is very lethal to fish and they must be treated effectively to be assured survival.