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Advanced Reefer
suffolk county
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hey guys im setting up my diy fuge i could use some help with the plumbing part. just some back round its a 55 gal. dt with a 10 gal fuge above the dt. i could use some help with overflow boxes. should i use 2 or just one? the flow is pumped from the dt to the fuge and siphoned back the the dt. thanks guys :)


Advanced Reefer
suffolk county
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i got it i think i had a few to many drinks lol probably shouldnt of been playing with the power tools but all well lol. thanks ....yes no sump unfortunately only room above the tank for a 10 gal. so HOB filters ect :( but with a fuge :)


Advanced Reefer
suffolk county
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jeesh lemme finish it first lol jkjk you guys got the first pics once i get it set up and working. keep in mind this is my first real project on my first fish tank!!!! ive done a ton of research on this and the tank is about 7 months old :)


Advanced Reefer
suffolk county
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just afew quick questions. im using a maxi1200 for my return pump should this pump be used more twards the fuge or twards the DT? in other words is it better to use it as a suction pump or a pushing pump? or it doesnt matter?


Advanced Reefer
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Ive never done this but have consider this type of setup, well basically.
I think you should pump water from the display to the Fuge. this way, if power cuts, the fuge wont drain back into the tank. you must have the output from the pump pouring into the fuge at the water level, this will prevent flooding. I thought this would add a larger amount of pods/etc ruturning into the DT.
Good Luck


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An above tank refugium should be pump fed from the main tank or sump and have a gravity return. The return should be drilled towards the top of the fuge so that it won't flood the main display in case of a power outage. The gph of the feed pump should (obviously) be less than the gph of the gravity return to prevent the refugium from overflowing.

I wanted to set this up myself, but didn't have room to place the fuge. Out of curiosity... how are you supporting the refugium? Another stand next to the display that's higher/taller than the tank?


Advanced Reefer
suffolk county
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i kno that i was wondering if it matterd where the pump was in relation to the return ...closer to the fuge or closer to the tank its almost done :) possibly tmo or thurs i may be able to finish it. ....

as for the tank support my room is kind of ghetto rigged i had to use my desk as a stand for my dt. and i used a bookshelf that i reinforced to support the fuge. its sits above the DT and perpendicular. my room is very tiny and the fuge is tank # 4 so im pretty much full lol... ill take pics when its done and that will for sure answer alot of questions but if you guys have more id be more then happy to help :)


Advanced Reefer
suffolk county
Rating - 93.6%
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if im off early enough tonite ill get some pics of the dry set up. sry this is taking so long its been a rough few week hopefully get all the plumbing glued up some time tmo :) then just gotta cross my fingers and pray lol

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