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Advanced Reefer
new Jersey
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I'm new in the hobby...started 2 weeks ago w/ a 29 gal. Bio-cube.
but I have two 46 Gal. African cichlid tanks. I plan to convert one
to a reef tank. I don't know how to start, don't have the eqt. yet.
If anybody have a used set-up to sell, pumps, skimmer, etc. pls.
let me know. Thanks.:bablefish


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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well i will be upgrading my skimmer soon... if your interested. mine is rated for a 75 gallon. as far converting the cichlid tank to salt you just need to do a really good clean up on that tank. get an overflow, maybe a 20g sump (this way you can upgrade to bigger size tanks later on), maybe a mag7 pump, and some nice lighting. well i would let your 29g build up more before starting your 46g. give it a couple months and make sure things are doing well in the smaller tank. once your satisfied with all the levels (ph,nitrate,phosphate,salinity, etc) then I would do a bigger water change on teh small tank... 50% if possible and add that in to the 46g and the rest use RO water... adjust your salinity have the water flowing for a couple days to build up bacteria then you should be fine. that is the nice part of have an already running tank, you have all the benefitial bacteria already starting to upgrade whenever your ready.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Could you please tell us more of your existing Salt Water tank?

I would get the 46 drilled, rather then get an overflow.;) But that is just my opinion after dealing with both overflow boxes, and drilled tanks.;) I just happen to like the predrilled tanks better.;)

I would also recommend that you wait a little while you get accustomed to the one you already have. Who knows you may want to go even bigger then the 46.;)

BTW, Welcome to the hobby, and most importantly to Manhattan Reefs. We are family here, hope you like us......
Read, read, read, and read some more...................................


Experienced Reefer
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Welcome to MR glad to hear of another 46 might get started as everyone would probab y tell you patience is truly the way to go with saltwater as if you probable havent heard that yet. give it time and research as much as you can before you start. It will take months take it slow and buy equipment as you go along in the long run it will cost you less you can always check on equipment you are trying to buy and will benefit you to ask specific questions about equipment you are thinking of purchasing. Good luck

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