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Bronx, NY
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Hello fellow MR Members. First time I post a Question here, Im having trouble with green algae Growing on my Sand Bed at first it was a little bit that was growing about 2 weeks ago and thought the 8 hermits and the 2 Margarita Snails would just eat it up but they have'nt yet, Yesterday I bought 6 turbo Snails, 8 more hermits and a Sally light foot Crab to see if it helps. Was that ok to do or do I need Something else added in? The algae is spreading all around the sand bed now and everyday I see more and more. All advice are welcome, Thank you all in Advance.


Advanced Reefer
long island
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Well how long has the tank been up and running, what is your phosphate levles and how many if any fish do you have. You could be keeping the lights on for to long and what is the lighting system you have how old are the bulbs, also what trpy of filtration system do you have, how many times are you feeding the fish in one day. There are alot of different factors that could play into this. Are toy using rodi water or tap water condetioned.


Advanced Reefer
Bronx, NY
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The tank has been up for 5 months now, Dont know the phosphate level (need to buy a tester) have 5 fishes so far, the light is a Current sunpod with 2x150W and I keep it on for about 6-7 hrs a day, I got the light about 2 weeks ago and the guy I bought it from said they were about 3 months old. I have a Fluval 405 running, feed the fishes 1 time a day and I am using RODI water.


Advanced Reefer
Bronx, NY
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The Fluval is the main problem.It's a nitrate factory.
Im planning on getting a sump today from a member, its 24x10x18 I think that was the measurements. is that ok or do i need a bigger one? also want to know what exactly to add in it. Do you think the Fluval might be the cause of this? The algae is looking slimmy so far not hairy or anything like that.


Old School Reefer
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First off,how big is the Main tank cause usually you want to get half of what the tank is?You want to add a skimmer rated for something higher than your tank and a filter sock as a pre-filter.
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elflaco, welcome to MR btw.

what's the flow like in your tank? what are you using for water movement? algae tend to grow on areas with lower flow, but the main cause is excess nutrients.

Simon Garratt

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Southampton UK
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just a quick question: what type of green alage is it...(slimey, filamentous, turf like, etc)

Secondly, what type of substrate is it...Course coral gravel, coral sand or fine aragonite sand...ie what sort of grain size is it.



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Flow doesn't seem bad. Do you have a picture of your tank and algae?

My best guess also would be that it's the the fluval, depending on how often you clean it out and what media you use.

I live in the Bronx too, you can borrow my Salifert test kits if you need.


Advanced Reefer
Bronx, NY
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Flow doesn't seem bad. Do you have a picture of your tank and algae?

My best guess also would be that it's the the fluval, depending on how often you clean it out and what media you use.

I live in the Bronx too, you can borrow my Salifert test kits if you need.
I'll try to upload some pics, that would be nice to borrow the test kit, thanks for the offer, It would have to be tomorrow though cause I have to go out in a Few. I live by GunHill and White Plains Rd. I'll send you my number so we can meet up.


Advanced Reefer
long island
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check the temp and also the fluval couuld be the problem because canister filters are no good at all they are only good for fresh water . I had a fluval fx5 which was crazy but try to matain that and it is like your buying high end corals alone the pads for it were over 40$ try to run the lights for a shorter period of time like start off with 4 hrd a day then a week later 5 hrd then a week later 6.


Advanced Reefer
Bronx, NY
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check the temp and also the fluval couuld be the problem because canister filters are no good at all they are only good for fresh water . I had a fluval fx5 which was crazy but try to matain that and it is like your buying high end corals alone the pads for it were over 40$ try to run the lights for a shorter period of time like start off with 4 hrd a day then a week later 5 hrd then a week later 6.
my temp varies from 78-82. I guess I'll be getting rid of my Fluval soon, trying to get a Sump today but need more money to get all necessary equipment to get it up and running. I will do the light thing to see if it helps. Thanks to all here for the advice, Im farely new to this hobby and enjoying it more and more each day. Im glad to see so many ppl here that are willing to help other hobbiest on problems they have.


Advanced Reefer
long island
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this is a good site for help and alot of people will help you out when needed.

The fluval will be a big duction off the stress of your tank. you can keep it around and plant a flower in it lol. Is yout tank pre drilled or not.


Advanced Reefer
long island
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i would say 1 on the tank and make sure you have a pump that will match with the flow of the drain. Post a wtb with the over flow box and the pump matching on both also go with a u tube it is eiser to maintain then the cpr overflow box and easy to clean incase if it get clogged.

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