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Hey guys I need some advice.

I am upgrading my system to include a refugium for the first time, thanks to Antz. This is the ecosystems hang on back refugium. From my understanding this has three separate chambers. One with bioballs, one with substrate and macro, and one return with bioballs/ return pump.

I currently run chemipure, but am not sure if it is still needed now that i am adding a refuge. Also, how much and of what should I put in the main chamber? From my research it seems that I should put some substrate (sand or miracle mud?) with some mangroves or calp or chaeto? I have also read that too deep a sand bed can be detrimental, and that miracle mud can end up contaminating a system.

Is there a difference in what type of macro I use? Do I need chemipure? should i try and add filter floss as a physical screen to help trap the large particles being absorbed?

This stuff is like Greek to me.

Help if you can

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Are you adding a HOB fuge or an HOB Sump??.. haha

Where are you currently running your chemi pure?

I would start with ditching the bio balls and go from there. Do you have issues with Nitrates and or phosphates right now?


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Nitrates are decent, phosphates are a touch high I would guess, I dnot test for them, however, I do have algea build up on the glass and starting to get some on my LR.

I run the chemipure in a HOB filter right now. Keep in mind, this is a 20g tank with only a couple fish and easy corals.

What is the use of bioballs anyway? I know people hate them. Are they replaced by adding a filter floss or something?


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Good deal, easier to replace and should lead to less contamination. I also do not think the miracle mud is needed, however I am tryign to decide if any substrate it needed.


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yea it makes a lot more sense of the flow now that I can actually see it. I think I am going to load the first chamber with filter floss, also may use a sponge on the tank end to prevent too much flow and to prevent tank inhabitants from making an unwanted trip.

First chamber will also have chemipure.

Second chamber will be about an inch of sand with LR rubble cheato and maybe another mac. Then the third chamber may have bioballs or just be empty with the pump. I am not concerned about too bad of a buildup of waste in the third chamber as it should be cleaned by then.

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