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"H" Division
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I'm experiencing a small cyano issue and have a question regarding the lighting. I just got my sump/fuge online and put 3 fist sized balls of chaeto in the fuge with a light on 24/7 and have had the DT lights off for the past 3 days and plan on keeping them off for the 2 more, the question is should the fuge light be off as well?


Advanced Reefer
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The real question is why did the cyano grow? Have you doubl;e checked your TDS meter coming off your RO/DI system? This is IMO the most common reason for cyano other than a major die off. Also if you have used Interceptor for Red bugs you may experience major cyano growth if you do not perform major water changes after treatment.

Good luck,


"H" Division
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Thanks Walter, I've checked my TDS meter, My TDS is 34 coming into to unit and 0 leaving the unit before it goes into the DI stage. I haven't used any type of chemicals or medications in my DT ever. As of now the cyano is in a very small area.

Master Shake

captain of tying knots
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alternate the lights, for example the tank lights would be on during the day and the sump lights would be on at night, cyano is a bacteria actina as a algea so cut the light down if you can


"H" Division
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alternate the lights, for example the tank lights would be on during the day and the sump lights would be on at night, cyano is a bacteria actina as a algea so cut the light down if you can
Thanks MS, I'll put the fuge light on a timer opposite my T5HO's. I'm going to put the lights on tomorrow afternoon for a couple of hours after a cleaning and water change.


"H" Division
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Bulbs are about 4 months old, I feed every other day a 1/2 cube, 3 algae wafers and 1 3" piece of nori everyday and am not dosing aminos.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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yes they can contribute to it from what ive read, what type of algea waffers ? and what are you feeding those for ? you have enough flow ? much flow in the area of the cyano ?


"H" Division
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yes they can contribute to it from what ive read, what type of algea waffers ? and what are you feeding those for ? you have enough flow ? much flow in the area of the cyano ?
I'm using Hikari algae wafers for my lawnmower blenny and turbos. I was lacking a little in the flow area and re-arranged the power heads today, lowered my lighting to about 8 inches above the water from about 12, completed the sump/fuge (I have some chaeto in the fuge) install with overflow and changed my single 3/4 inch return into two 1/2" return lines located at each end of the tank, removed my canister, lightly vacuumed the sand and did a 20% water change. Today is the the first day I put the lights on in 5 days (boy were the fish happy) for about two hours, I'm going to gradually increase the time by a 1/2 hour a day for about a two weeks then start the MH lamps in a week.


"H" Division
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would almost say this was your problem
Thanks for all of your help. I put the bio media from the canister in the sump after cleaning it in new SW. I was cleaning the canister out every 2 weeks and still could not believe how much crap was still in it and the bio media this time. There isn't any sign of the cyano as of now, I'll keep my fingers x-d. I'm going to run some tests, I'll post them later. Thanks again.

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