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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Sorry pics are not much clearer! It does appear to be dying, and I hope you have already taken it out of your tank.;(

How long has your tank been running? How long did you have the anemone before it began to do this?


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Threads merged. No need to have 2 threads on the same topic.

Remove the anemone, change your carbon and do a water change. The anemone is going to die and foul your tank if left in. The water change and the carbon replacement will help.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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182   0   0
Threads merged. No need to have 2 threads on the same topic.

Remove the anemone, change your carbon and do a water change. The anemone is going to die and foul your tank if left in. The water change and the carbon replacement will help.


No matter what the lfs told you, your tank is not ready for some anemonies!;(
You might be able to get away with a rock anemone as they are way easy to keep, but other's espcially sebae no way. Let the tank get established first.....​

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