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east meadow
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does anyone have anypictures of there overflow setup w there sump or wetdry. i wanna see wut ohter pluming parts i need. i hav 90 gal AAG w cornerflow and a proclear 125 filter
thank you


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east meadow
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thank you i mean i hav everything almost. i put in the overflow set up the sump lol wut the connect dont fit so i need to get lil extra things to make them connect


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I think I understand....you're saying that the outlet of your pump is 1.5-inches and you want to step that down to accomodate the 3/8-inch flexible hosing that you want to use? Could you say if that's what you mean?


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east meadow
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lol yes the overflow is a hardplastic with a male part w grooves. the wet/dry sump has to tubes/hoses. one is 1 3/8(goes in the base of the filter) and the other is 3/8( pump) i would like to connect them to the overflow and im unsure how. i went to a hardware store and they looked at my like i was on crack. i think i need to go to home depot.. i would think that when u baught a tank that they make them fit.


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Okay...well, it isn't uncommon that some parts are needed so that everything fits together. I'm a little unclear about what you mean when you use the word "overflow" but I suspect you mean the part of the water pump where the water comes out of the pump and would go to the tank you're setting up. So, if that's correct, the "groove" that you mention would be "threads" that an adapter could be screwed onto. If you take a piece of the flexible hose that you're going to use to Home Depot or Lowes, in the plumbing department, you'd more than likely find an adapter that will screw onto the "threads" on the pump and the other side of the adapter would accomodate the flexible hose.


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east meadow
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yes threads. like the corner overflow in the tank with the pvc pipes i mean. the proclear125 (wetdry/ sump) has the 2 diffrent tubes.. thx u so much. im gonna go to huntiongton plumbing supplies today


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I assume that the overflow came with some kind of tubing that will take the water down to the sump...Is that right? What is the inner-dimension of that tubing...Is it the 1.5-inches that you mentioned?

As to the pump (the pink thingee in your drawing)...you address that as I described already with the adapter that you can get at Home Depot or Lowes.


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east meadow
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wut shouldi do, go to the plumbing supply for my job and tell them wut i need doe or wai tuntill tomorrow, when the guy at fish store will send someone on him


Advanced Reefer
east meadow
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yeah he is sending some gy that does stuff like this on him. over the years ive spent atleast 6grand there. he always helped me out. given me odd things him for cheap or free. i broke a filter once. and he gave me new one and i sent the broken one in got it fixed and gave that to him

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