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I have a green tip anenome that was doing great up untill 1 month ago, she was about 6" in diameter in a fully open position than for some reason it shrunk down to the size of a quater and remains in the closed position. It moved it self to a remote corner of the tank and has not opened in a month.

Since than my brain coral has deterioted and I just lost a yellow tang and in the last week my ammonia shot up to 1.0.

Tanks parameters:
About 3 years old 90 gallon with 30 gallon sump and 30 gal fuge
400 w metal halide
temp 78
Ammonia - 1.0
trate- 0
trite - 0
phosphate - lite trace
Ca - 450
ph 8.4
salinity - 1.024

Currently, other corals and fish are looking and doing fine.

Any thoughts or suggestions??


Experienced Reefer
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Personally i would take it out i would hate to risk everything else in the tank over it, sounds like it may have died and thats whats up with the spike.

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