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how do i know if all my copper is out of my tank????iv been using polly pads and cuprisorb for a while now and i decided to put 2 snails in and they have been alive for over a week .......Is it ok to now put corals and invertebrates in my tank .........
thanks E


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copper is a slight more difficult removing out from the water completely, if the snails are living, your water should be pretty good. If you want to be more safe, try putting a bag of high grade carbon (kent reef carbon), leave for 1 week, take out the carbon, change 1/3 of the water to replenish all chemicals. I hope you don't have any live rock in that tank.


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well for live rock i hav about 150lbs that was treated with copper and another 100lbs that i just put in once the snails lived ....i just put a starfish in the tank and its still living also


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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how do i know if all my copper is out of my tank????iv been using polly pads and cuprisorb for a while now and i decided to put 2 snails in and they have been alive for over a week .......Is it ok to now put corals and invertebrates in my tank .........
thanks E

You can purchase a test kit, or any good LFS should be able to run a test for you for a charge.


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I've seen 3 drops of copper wipe out a small reef tank, but that 3 drops of copper in that 40 gallon tank will not show on most "Copper Test KIt". Can someone please specify "good copper test kit", I would like to know too.


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i think i got enough if not all of it out of my tank... it seems that way if my snails and star fish are living i think im going to now get some corals


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The perfect copper test kit a shrimp, If it survives no copper if it dies almost instantly you have copper. You might want to get rid of the rock I may bleach over time.


No Coral Here
Montclair, NJ
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The perfect copper test kit a shrimp, If it survives no copper if it dies almost instantly you have copper. You might want to get rid of the rock I may bleach over time.

This is NOT true. Sorry but I want to make sure people do not get confused or worse, lose money on dying corals. It depends on the species of shrimp and the level of copper. This also holds true for hermit crabs and many other inverts.

I have shrimp living in tanks with copper with no ill effects. some have been in copper for several weeks to months. The copper level is less than .5ppm (typically the recommended level for treatments) but definitely high enough to kill corals and many other inverts.

A good test kit is the only way to be sure.

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