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Advanced Reefer
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I do beleive that is what tis is called my rocks and substrate are all covered up in brown colored stuff(diatoms). I am currently running a 55gallon tank with a 300g overflow 600 gal return pump. Fish is also stocked with a 6 line wrasse' 2 fancy clowns' 1 fire fish' 1 purple fire fish, and 2 peppermint shrimps. What is the correct reef cleaner pack that should be added to control this? Should I be worried about the live stock that are currently living in my tank?


Advanced Reefer
long island
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the tank is going throught a cycle it is fine

are you using rodi water
how long are you keeping the lights on for
how many times do you feed the fish
are you running phosband in a reactor (if not I think a member is selling a reactor)

If you have any questions feel free to ask nice seeing you on the site and happy reefing
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and clean up the tank every water change after cycle is done and invest in sme snails, and create more water flow in ur tank, aim one power head to the rocks and one downward pointing to the middle of the tank to get some flow to the sand bed.


Old School Reefer
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12 hr light cycle is very long. What coral do you have that you believe needs this much light? I would shorten the cycle to 6-8 hrs.

No skimmer with 2-3 water changes per week could work. If you're not doing that many water changes, I'd invest in a protein skimmer.

Phosban Reactors are great to run a PO4 (phosphate) removing media or carbon. I run both in separate reactors. (Recommended)

RO/DI water is high up the list of equipment you should consider adding to your system.


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