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Hey guys, new guy here- registered a while ago but haven't posted anything so figured I'd finally say hello. Hello. My name is Jim I'm on Long Island, have been into the hobby for about a year but had a failure with a bio cube so upgraded to a 65 gallon with 29 gallon sump. So far so good(all 4 1/2 weeks of it) so we'll see but am sure I'll be fine. I know this because I have the guys at saltwatercritters numbers on my speed dial, lol:smash:. They have been a huge help and the tank is doing great. Well, thats it for now so I don't sound like a bumbling idiot. Till next time take care:approve:.....Jim
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ok guys ive been out the game for quite some time but im considering in turning my 20g high into a simple little saltwater tank nothing to big but i need a bit of help i need to find out the cheapest way to set this up. all i want is sand a few rocks and maybe danios and clowns but i have a aquaclear filter please give me some suggestions


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Thanks for the welcomes guys and I will eventually learn how to maneuver the site( yes i am computer illiterate). Look forward to chattin it up with everyone.... and that is continuing to bug the crap out of Russ AND Jim lmao

Will be posting pics of the setup sooner or later. Till then thanks again for the warm welcome....Jimmy:beer:

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