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bellport ny
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Hey ya'll!!!

How is everyone doing out there? I am very new to this hobby and I just recently moved here to LI i'm was bor and raised in TN!... no salt water down there!!! I just got stationed up here with the Army a few months back. Some of the guys I work with up here bought a 29gal tank for our office and I have been sucked in to this amazing reef world. I'm as green as they come as far as reef tanks go so I figured I would reach out and see if any one had some advice on where to start my own nano tank. I live in an appartment so I cant have a big tank but I figured a 12 gal tank or so would be fun to set up and watch it take flight. I have no clue where to start and not sure how much im looking at spending!!!!! Who ever has some advice just message me or email me @ [email protected]... Thanks eveybody lookin forward to talking to some of yall real soon!
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Welcome and best of luck

I started with a Biocube- you can get a used one for good price. It is easier then setting up a sump, return etc and still affords you nice beginner coral with minimal cost and maintenance. Nice beginner tank without breaking the bank!
New York
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hey! welcome to MR and to NY !

+1 on checking the sale thread on here. ALWAYS has the best deals around.

I went with the 24 aquapod for my first NANO tank 2 months ago and i am already upgrading to a 34 solana.

research which nano you want to go with - few to choose from.

custom etc...

They all have pros and cons - Especially the different rear chambers and the way it works..

some like jbj have alot of favorable upgrades you can easily get for a good price [ an example: LED UPGRADE HOOD from nanotuners] an some not so much since they have different rear chambers and room.

you'll need to do some internet research to see which design you like to ultimately choose the one you want to go with.
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Old School Reefer
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Welcome to NY and to MR. As stated, MR for sale threads are a great way to get started. If you can't find everything used you want, you can always turn to the great vendors on MR :biggrin: to supplement some new equipment.

Best of luck with your new system, and y'all come back now, y'hea



Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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Hey so you joined the site...you. may not remember me but I met you at aqua hut. I was there with. There with my wife buying coral and you told me how you were setting up a 29g. Well anyways I one town over from you and I would be glad to help you.


24g Aquapod Nano
Norwalk, CT
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Welcome to MR!!

And thank you for serving our great country. :usa1:

I just began my hobby a few weeks back and started out with a 24 Aquapod and love the size.

Ask a ton of questions and do your research and you will be just fine!

bellport ny
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Hey yall. I figured I would update you on my tank situation. I made a friend that works at a local reef store. He is going to sell me a 30gal tank with a 20 gal sump, all the lighting, the filters and a heater plus the stand for a hunderd bucks... Sounded like a good deal to me!!!


Senior Member
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Before you spend any money on livestock or equipment ( unless you can afford to spend the $100 on what MIGHT be a great deal but might end up not being what you need later on ), spend a couple of weeks reading on here, wetwebmedia.com, reefcentral.com and some other sites. Learning how to do things properly the first time around will save you a lot of time, headaches, aggravation, money and needless livestock deaths.

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