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This is what I did when I set up my 14G biocube (and pretty much all of my other tanks)
First set it on the stand.
Next remove all of the bioballs.
After that remove all of the other media in the rear of the tank. Put heater in the first chamber of the rear of the tank. (Do not plug in the heater yet)
Get some Saltwater from petco.
Get some sand and some rock from a Local Pet Store that you like to deal with.
Set the rock up in the tank and then put the sand in around it.
Put in the petco saltwater
Let the tank settle out for about an hour.
Plug in the pump and heater.
Take a pinch of fish food and put it in there.
Wait. Test. Wait for cycle to end.
Plug in lights and set them on a timer if desired.
Put a bag of chemi pure elite in the center compartment.
Add clean up crew and fish once cycle is completed.
Enjoy the tank.
Every 2 weeks change 5 gallons of water and every month change the chemi pure.
If adding corals to make it a reef tank then put the chemi pure in the first chamber and then put a skimmer in the middle chamber. The Sapphire Aquatics skimmer is doing a great job for me.


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They start off good but after a while they trap detrius and other particles that breakdown and start to cause you a nitrate problem.


Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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When I had my 8 Biocube I upgraded the pump and removed all the balls from the second chamber. In that chamber I added a pouch of carbon and one of phosban. This with the gallon or two of water changes every two weeks worked great. I had two percs and one RBTA which split, and an algae blenny. system was great.


Rating - 99.6%
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I now have the chemi pure and heater in the first chamber and the skimmer in the center chamber.


Advanced Reefer
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tank works great, looks great, keep the small lip open when the lights are on, or it might over heat. becareful when you replace the bulbs, the plastic cover is a pain to remove w/o breaking it.


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My sand is mixed black and white. Gives it a very salt and pepper type look.

Leave the back clear adding live rock there will be just like keeping the bio balls back there. It will trap food and other schtuff back there and eventually it will spike your nitrates. On a small tank like this that can turn bad quickly if you aren't keeping an eye on it.

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