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Advanced Reefer
long island
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best advice just waitttt ok run the system for a month before even thinking about adding a fish. rember you have live rock in there that thing sare dying off of it cause it is going throught a cycle in ints self just wait that is all once you see the sign of brown algie and then green algie the tank is on the good track. just be paient and wait that is all you know how many of us wait for our sps and lps to grow lol takes time alot of time you cant run out one day and start a tnak and in the same week buy a clam lesson to learn dont jump the gun and have fun watching it mature and know that you are on your way to getting better things


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Sorry you lost your first fish!

As PATIENCE has already stated the only thing I will add to this thread is: You're right damsels are quite hardy, and tough little buggers. But this does not mean that they are indistructible. What that means is that they are the hardiest of all salt water fish, and nothing more.
Now that you have learned that we do not cycle with any sort of fish, let me tell you that the worse that happened to your little fish was that he/she was poisoned by the Ammonia in your tank.

While you cycle your tank you need to have a few test kits:
You should test the water in the tank a couple of times a week to see where in the cycle stage your tank is at.
First stage all test would read 0, then ammonia would go up, ammonia comes down, nitrite climbs, nitrite comes down, nitrate goes up. When nitrates come down to atleast 40ppm (preferably less, I like 20ppms) then, and only then should you begin to add any animals. 40 is ok for hardier fish, 20 is better for clean up crew - like crabs & so on.

Hope this helps you out, if you have any further questions feel free to ask...


Danbury CT.
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You should have left the dead fish in your tank to help with the cycle. Some people put in very small pieces of shrimp and such to get it going. At least then the poor fish would have been of some use. Don't feel too bad because I also didn't know any better and 5 years ago when I started, I cycled with a beautiful yellow tail Damsel. Well I was lucky and mine lived and here is today. I love this little guy and feel bad for what I put him through but his name is "Midnight" and I hope I have him for many years to come. He's also surprisingly peaceful. Maybe it's from all the ammonia he consumed as a baby!LOL
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Jersey City NJ
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Good luck on your tank buddy. if you dont have an ro system at least get a filter that screws onto the faucet like this one http://blogs.denverpost.com/homegirls/wp-content/photos/PurWaterFilter_TDG_Nester_fb.jpg not as good as RO system but its better than nothing.. Also throw in a silverside or a piece of krill and u wont believe how much it helps in the cycling. 6 weeks should be more then enough for your cycle and dont worry about your rookie mistake everyone makes them and I am sure alot of the guys who posted on your thread buy things on impulse knowing that they shouldnt lol i know i do


Junior Member
Great Neck
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The truth is we all learn by making mistakes and you have made many common mistakes. I dont blame you at all I blame the people at the LFS that you got your tank the fish and your information. Stick around here and ask questions, it will save you lots of headaches and money. Most people here are nice and wont beat you up too bad for mercilessly murdering a poor defensless little damsel

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