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Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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I have a 24 x 24 x 18 cube with a 30 inch tall stand.

Going to build a canopy next. I have the choice of 24 x 24 x 12 for the canopy or 24 x 24 x 18(might be 16).

I'm thinking the 18 inch might be a bit too tall, but the 12 might not be tall enough.

Lighting will be a PFO 250 MH and 2x Powerbright LEDs hidden in the canopy.

Mixed reef. I'd like to stay away from having a chiller.
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Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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thanks for the suggestion. I was thinking about it more.. and I went with the 18 inch height. It will give more room for aeration, and the MH's height will be adjustable, allowing me to keep the light high up in the beginning and slowly lower the pendant.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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Thanks for the suggestions.

One more quick question; the canopy will be sitting directly on the tank (it has a large rim..looks very sturdy) ... Do most people rest their canopies on the tank's rim directly? Mine is going to probably weigh 10 lbs or so.. maybe 15.. don't want to mess with the tank's structural integrity.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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I don't know if you're going to want to see pics ;) I'm definitely not an expert. I'm having fun and learning as I go.. lol. It's honestly good enough for me but there are some places it could use improvement.

I might put a build thread on here. If I do, I'll definitely post pics.

(I can PM you pics later, if you want)


Barnum Island
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I have a 20 X 18 X 25 (D) cube with a PFO Pendant 175 (150) MH above a 12" canopy..with a side door and it still gets hot as heck in there.

Do you have to put a 250W MH on that tank with it only being 18 " deep?

It is pictured here along with shots of it being built:

No issues with the canopy resting on the edges of the tank, you want to spread it to as many sides as possible :)


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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Thanks for the reply Kathy. Yep, its resting on both sides and I'm tweaking it so the door rests on the front as well.

I have a 250 watt MH on my tank. I want to take a stab at SPS and will have clams on the bottom. I might get an anemone but I haven't decided yet.

Also, I plan on getting a 20,000K bulb so I will need the extra wattage to make up for the reduction in PAR.

I'm keeping about half of the back open and will have 2 fans going, so hopefully it will help dispell heat.

I might drill vent holes in the top to help with this as well.


north jersey
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Thanks for the reply Kathy. Yep, its resting on both sides and I'm tweaking it so the door rests on the front as well.

I have a 250 watt MH on my tank. I want to take a stab at SPS and will have clams on the bottom. I might get an anemone but I haven't decided yet.

Also, I plan on getting a 20,000K bulb so I will need the extra wattage to make up for the reduction in PAR.

I'm keeping about half of the back open and will have 2 fans going, so hopefully it will help dispell heat.

I might drill vent holes in the top to help with this as well.

hey eric,
with 250w on a such small tank, i think you will have heat issue. if the ambient room temperature is high.... running multiple fans on it may drop only a degree or two plus you'll have major evaporation and for a tank that size your salinity will be all over the place. just mo.
try to place the tank in an a/c room. if you have to choose between a chiller and a window a/c...go for the a/c. it's cheaper to buy , run and you're also cool not just the tank.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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Thanks for the input on the 250's. I actually agree with you on that, but hopefully I'll only run into issues during the (2) hot summer months. We have an AC unit for the livingroom, and I will keep it running.
I'm also going to have the controller set to turn off the lights if it gets too hot.

If Tek had a 6 bulb 24 inch unit, I probably would have gone in that direction, but overall I like the 250 watt choice. (Hopefully it won't come back to bite me!)


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Eric, IF that were my canopy I would put a fan on each side, and a bank of them on the open back.
My canopy is completely inclosed so I have no way of putting a bank of fans on the back, but the 2 side fans on the sides I have 1 blowing across the tank with the other 1 drawing the hot air out.:) Hope that helps in some small way.

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