I believe if u have stray Volts in water it will will effect your orp reading, don't qoute me on that. Why is your orp reading now? Is your grounding probe in dt or sump? How is your orp probe setup a stand alone or in a controller? What's is your reading now? The reason why I ask because my ac2 controller the orp could conpincaite ph feature you want turned off. I don't run ozone but I do monitore my orp which is inbetween 340-360.
Sorry I just realized u didn't obtain a grounding probe yet. If u have a volt meter u can put it on dc mode and aff one prong in water and ground the other probe and that will tell u the amount of stray voltage if any are in your tank.
There are no stray voltages, I had already checked that. I had just read on a couple of posts where people people who were having problems with their probes that it was recommended that they install one. I just calibrated and installed the probe last night and the initial reading was 124 but is now a tad over 200.
I know that there is a break in period for the orp probe. Also I noticed with after wc orp drops alot then picks back up in 3-5 days it's old reading. Kinda wierd that this happens with pro reef salt and not dd h20. I aerate water for 3 days and tumble it with powerheads. Anyway good luck to you. I would say if probe is new let it break in. My personal prefrence is if u gave no stray voltage reading then a grounding probe shouldn't be needed to effect orp monitoring, I use mine though. Fwiw