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Hey-- This is my first post here.

I have a green BTA that's been in my tank for about 6 months now. When I first put him in, I placed him on top of a rock, but he moved himself down to under a shelf, and kind of peeks out. He hadn't moved since.

Last night, I moved a powerhead to a different spot in order to head off what appears to be the beginning of cyano most likely due to a dead spot toward the middle of the tank. This morning, the anemone was off his rock, face down on the sand, moving very slowly if at all. I know they can move around and will find their own place eventually, but since mine never really moved much, I am unsure if I should at least move him over to a rockpile.

I know that handling them causes stress, but observing this is like watching my grandma struggle to get off the floor after falling down a flight of stairs.

Any advice is welcome.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I have the same nem, I would let it go as long as it is not in any danger of getting sucked into a pump or powerhead.

If you move it somewhere, it may not like where you choose and will keep moving. It will find a place and when it does settle hope it picks a safe and presentable place.


Advanced Reefer
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Thanks for the response.

I just got home after being out for an hour or so....

Right now he is in basically the same spot-- middle of the tank on the sand in the front, but now at least he is right-side up and open.

Maybe he bumped his head in the fall and thinks he's a tube anemone.

Anyway, I think you're right-- I'll let him be and see where he goes. I think he's safe from the powerheads, but I'll keep an eye on that.

Thanks again.


Advanced Reefer
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I would turn down all PH's until it finds a spot(if you have controlable PH's)...I would place it next to a rockon the sand bed, that way it will be able to move around to find it's "spot" via the rock,


Advanced Reefer
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I would turn down all PH's until it finds a spot(if you have controlable PH's)...I would place it next to a rockon the sand bed, that way it will be able to move around to find it's "spot" via the rock,

I understand your reasoning, but I'm reluctant to turn off the PHs because the current seems to affect his spot-choosing. I'd hate for him to find a new spot then move again once I turn the PHs back on.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I have read GBTAs like deep vertical crevices in live rock in areas of alternating current.
The foot prefers shelter and the tentacles like to be in direct light. Which my GBTA likes.

Do you have rock formations that the nem would like?
There are heaps of websites on the net about them.

What are you feeding it?


Advanced Reefer
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I have read GBTAs like deep vertical crevices in live rock in areas of alternating current.
The foot prefers shelter and the tentacles like to be in direct light. Which my GBTA likes.

Do you have rock formations that the nem would like?
There are heaps of websites on the net about them.

What are you feeding it?

That's kind of where he was to begin with-- not exactly vertical, but pretty steep-- maybe 10-15 degrees off vertical. There are a couple similar spots he could grab.

I feed him mostly krill. When I first got him, I was feeding him silversides, but I found that he digests the krill more completely. Sometimes I'll give him a piece of table shrimp as well.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Most people report nems moving when they become uncomfortable. Maybe when you changed the ph it initiated the move.
You could try coaxing it to a favorable location and try some small easy to digest fresh seafood. It may like it's new location if the food is good.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


Advanced Reefer
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Most people report nems moving when they become uncomfortable. Maybe when you changed the ph it initiated the move.
You could try coaxing it to a favorable location and try some small easy to digest fresh seafood. It may like it's new location if the food is good.

I'll give that a shot tomorrow if he hasn't found a new spot by then.

Thanks a lot for the advice.


renegade reefer
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leave the anenome alone give him time i have one that took 3 month before he chill out nothing u do right now is going insure that he stay were u want they go were they feel comfy

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