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Brooklyn Ny
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Hello first sorry if this is the wrong place to ask questions about sumps. I am getting a 225 gal Reef Ready acrylic tank (72x24x30) and i wanted to know if i am buying the correct Sump/refugium http://buildyouraquarium.com/catalog...products_id=29

1.is this to small?
2.Do i use the Bio-balls or just use live rock/sand/mud for filtration?
3. if this is the correct size sump do i need another one for a different use other then filtration or more filtration?

If this is the incorrect sump can someone point me to a correct one so i don't mess up my tank
thanks in advance.


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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that sump is way to small in my opinion. for a 225, i'd want something much bigger. you can use a standard 50 breeder, or 75 gallon tank and glue in some partitions and your done. you don't have to pay anyone to build a sump. it's very easy.

no, don't use bio balls. if you are thinking of having a refugium in your sump, you can add some live rock, sand, and macros. otherwise, you don't need to put in anything but your skimmer , heaters, any reactors...


Advanced Reefer
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Too small for your tank. The smallest you can probably get away with is 40L tank if doing it yourself. The bigger the better. I made my own it si rather easy. Just need to get a tank that fits where ever your putting it. I can help you do it if you want just let me know. unless you want an acrylic sump then i would suggest Custom King.


Tim`s Aquatics
Rockland County
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A 125 will not fit under the stand of a 220 without modifing the stand. That sump/fuge that you are looking at only has 1 drain hole where your tank has two drains. I would get something bigger. Look at the "for sale' items or try custom king like said before.....


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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make one out of a standard tank. glue in some partitions.. it's super easy and cheap. no need to pay someone else to do it. it's not rocket science.

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