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Hey guys, hope you're doing well. I wanted to get a bit of advice - hopefully, all of you with infinite wisdom can help me out. :p

I just got a Glass Cages tank made for me, with an internal overflow - now I need help figuring how to actually set up the plumbing, with which I have had very little experience (little = none, fail). I already have a sump that I am ready to hook the tank up to (thanks to Jeff for making this for me!), and I am probably going to go to go to home depot to figure out all the appropriate fittings for that. Where I would definitely any appreciate any guidance is on the setup of the internal overflow itself.

The Glass Cages overflow is very straightforward - it is a glass overflow with an acrylic cover, and I had them drill a 1" bulkhead drain and a 3/4" bulkhead for the return. My tank is 30 gallons. Both bulkheads are threaded at both ends.
For the drain line I'm thinking of getting a durso standpipe (e.g. this one here http://bit.ly/cqF8Hz) - thoughts on this? Would this be recommended for the drain, in order to reduce noise? I'm probably going to get the strainer that fits this too - don't want snails to crawl into my standpipe somehow.

I'm kind of lost as to what to do with the return line. The internal overflow is designed so that the only way for me to set it up is to break a tooth off the acrylic cover (does anyone know the best way to do this?) and have the return line "hang over" the top edge of the overflow. Would anyone have advice on what I should do here? I'm not quite sure what the best approach/setup would be... do I need to get a piece of PVC for the return line, and then hook up some sort of loc-line? Or is there an easier way to do this - do I even need PVC, or can I just use vinyl tubing (though how "stable" should the return line be)? I've found loc-line kits (e.g. http://bit.ly/beDkqy) but this need to be connected to some sort of tubing that goes down to the bulkhead at the bottom of the overflow, right? The depth of the overflow (from the top of the overflow to the base where the holes are) is about 22.5".

PLease bear in mind that I am a COMPLETELY newbie when it comes to plumbing, so please ease me into all the jargon. Assume I don't know much (which I don't)!

Any advice and guidance would definitely be appreciated!!
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If you buy an Oceanic overflow kit (1 durso 1 return) you can leave the return pipe full length so it's higher than the top of your overflow box this way you wouldnt have to break any teeth off.

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