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Welcome to MR. Some Clowns are good as well as a royal gamma some goby's some wrasses and some blennies.

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Advanced Reefer
Huntington, NY
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36" Bow front? How many gallons is the tank? Drilled or Not? What type of substrate are you using? Bare Bottom, Sand, or Crushed coral? Are you using live rock? What type of filtration do you plan on using?

Some fish are more territorial and aggressive than others. My personal experience the Sixline wrasse have not been the most positive. He is the first fish I got when I started a few years ago and I still have him. The problem is the only tank mate that has survived with him is a yellow tale damsel. They're the only ones in a 24gallon tank.

Cardnal fish are good (Pajama or Bangaii), watchman goby, lawn mower blenny, clown fish (not maroon clown or tomato clown ). If you still want a sixline wrasse I could sell you mine.:smile:

Good Luck


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