louoner, let's begin with putting an end to the beating up of oneself.

Many, if not all began our reefing experience as naive as you were.

Everyone has made mistakes, some small, some huge. As long as we learn from our mistakes, and move on to better ways I feel we are a head of the game. So with that said.
If you have had your rocks for a year in a running saltwater tank I am pretty certain that it is live rock.
Where to start you ask:
I would start with the vessels (food grade Rubbermaid Brute come to mind) that will hold the ro/di water that you will be filling your new tank with. This way when you are done with setting up the tank you water will be waiting, instead of you waiting for the water.

Second I would give serious thought as to where to permanently place the tank!! Moving it later will be a PITA!

Third, would come the plumbing.
Fourth, the wiring of all the equipment that will be used to run the system. Where will all the wires be plugged, and how to keep them nice & tidy.

Fifth, think of where your ATO will be located. Highly recommend an ATO....
Six, Fill tank, and check for leaks!
Seven, if you can have a buddy to work with that would be great. Some times a buddy will see what we miss.
Eight, go slow you'll have better results!!!!
Other advice given prior to me is great, so follow them!