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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Chemipure elite is GFO and carbon in one. It depends if you change them at the same time it wouldn't matter. But if you have the space then use them seperately.

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Sucka Free Reefin' !!!
Westwood, NJ
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I would run 2 seperate reactors (1 tube with carbon and 1 tube with phosban) as they each need different amounts of flow. The higher flow needed for carbon may break up your phosban into dust.


Advanced Reefer
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Wow- nice reactor E=Russ- the oen Andy told me about it was actually one chamber with a divider to run both- BUT when you change one you have to change both- I like the NextReef you posted a lot. Is noce with the 2 combined- and actually may call you for one myself-- there ya go ny give swimmer a call

Jimmy, similar to the NextReef reactor in this link?

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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Not to mention that the 2 medias need to be changed at different intervals.:) I believe the phosban last longer then the carbon, therefor when you run them together in the same reactor you end up wasting your money when you throw out the phosban along with the carbon when the carbon is exhausted.

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