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I got a CPR HOB aquafuge from craigslist. It comes with a lot of stuff that look like some sort of macro-algaes.

A lot of live things in it including copepods and macro-algaes, coralines per seller.

Can anyone help me identify them?

I have nitrate issue in my tank. I want to add chaetomorpha in it. But they dont seem like chaetos. Can I pull the stuff all out and get a bag of fresh chaetos and put them in?



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Advanced Reefer
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The chaeto should take up the nutrients and starve the other algae out of the way... I dont know if u should remove it or not.. maybe scrape the algae off and run a little filter to grab it before it runs into the main tank
Bloomfield, NJ
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Cheata is a excellent po3 / no4 reduction. I was using it before I started zeovit. U just need to weed it out so it can grow and keep pulling out nutruients. Also cheata needs lighting. I used a shop light from home depot w/ a65w bulb. $10 bucks, but then again thait was in my sump. Figure out how u are gonna light it.

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