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Hey everybody so now I have a new problem and I think I have found the solution but wanted to be safe so I turned to the collective experience on MR. First, I have a Oceanic Protein skimmer in my 10G nano tank and noticed that the air stone gets very filthy in a short amount of time after I replace it. It appears that mold is growing on the air stone. Is there any way that I can prevent this? Or am I just plagued with getting a new air stone every 2 weeks or just get a new protein skimmer if so which would you guys suggest? Also, should I turn off the protein skimmer when I feed the corals and fish? Thanks again in advance for all your help.


" Death star.....Not Reef safe"


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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I've never dealt with protein skimmers that required an airstone. I can't help you with the moldy air stone issue.
But most here do turn off the skimmer when they feed.:) I don't, but I don't turn off my pumps either, unless I am feeding my corals that is.;) I feed the corals before lights come on, and I turn off all the pump, and skimmer.


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The purpose of the airstone it to inject air into the skimmer.

I would get a better skimmer.

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