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reef guy in jc
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ok guys..i went back and hooked up my cal rx..dual chamber MTC Pro Cal on a 72 bow. now.. my question is..since i dont have any sps left. except for 1 lil frag of something i dont know..hahahahaha..whats the easiest SPS to start with so that just in case i get another crazy spike..it wont get affected as much as the more highly sensitive SPS. all opinions greatly appreciated. wish me luck guys!!

im goin at a rate of 6-7 bubbles/minute and 6-7 drips/minute with A.R.M. media and a PH controller set to 6.5 and 7.2


reef guy in jc
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yea..thats the reason i took down my rx in the first place..but rigt now im doin 6dpm and 6 bpm .. and im tesing alk cal and mag every few hours..ill keep you guys posted

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