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riverdale ny
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So, this is how the story starts i have three tanks one 125 a 95 and a bio cube. i have the 95 running fairly well as its i my living room and the 125 tank in my bed room running with nothing more then a small cleaner crew. no fish at the time. i wasn't wanting to set up another tank fully until i got the 95 under control and learned all that i could as a beginner. i went out looking for some live rock on a local Craig list. i was offered 3 bucks a pound , so i jumped on it. i got to the place out east of new york, and they had a 150 gal tank full of mangled and hurt fish. im not wanting to sound like a bad guy, i only had a enough money to save two of the worst off fish, my wife called me crazy for "wasting the money on some stupid sick f@#$ing fish". and now i have a hospital tank with two fish a 9" hippo tang and a 6" yellow tang. the yellow and hippo are doing well, eating and swimming but are missing most if not all there fins.
...so..please manhatten reefers. im a beginner an yes "the yuts" i have bitten off more then i can chew (ive had a run in with you already) im asking if there or is something more i can do to help the fish. I AM BEGINNER...please be kind as your words can hurt things that are un-seen. any sound advice will be greatly appreciated.


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Good for you for rescuing them...I once took an orphan sailfin tang that had ich, hlle, the whole top fin was missing, copper scares, and was being beat up by other fish. Once acclimated to my tank I tried numerous things, but what seem to help the most was loads of multiple types of nori, food soak in selcon, and spectrum marine pellets (they rock). It took almost up to a year but scares faded, hlle suppressed, and the top fin almost fully restore. Just be patience and keep an eye on them for changes. Everything in this hobby is a slow, but eventually rewarding process. I hope this helps.
riverdale ny
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it does and thank you both.

the fish are eating well they have been in the tank for 72 hours the hippo tang came in almost white with a completely missing side fin. the color of the fish is not as white now. its starting to regain some of the blue not much. i like him though sounds stupid to "like" a fish but in a way hes a scared up old fighter. i can respect that.

do you know of something that i should be adding to the water to help? speed or add in the recovery?


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IMHO side fins tend to regrow much faster than a dorsal fin...I think cause dorals have much more bones n flesh to b replaced...n u should NEVER feel stupid for likeing a fish, we all like or even love our fish for very various reasons, otherwise we should not have a tank to begin with.

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IMHO side fins tend to regrow much faster than a dorsal fin...I think cause dorals have much more bones n flesh to b replaced...n u should NEVER feel stupid for likeing a fish, we all like or even love our fish for very various reasons, otherwise we should not have a tank to begin with.

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Very well put- every fish I have in my tank I love and always want to see them happy swimming around comfortably- see now I sounded stupid with you nly lol

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