- Location
- riverdale ny
So, this is how the story starts i have three tanks one 125 a 95 and a bio cube. i have the 95 running fairly well as its i my living room and the 125 tank in my bed room running with nothing more then a small cleaner crew. no fish at the time. i wasn't wanting to set up another tank fully until i got the 95 under control and learned all that i could as a beginner. i went out looking for some live rock on a local Craig list. i was offered 3 bucks a pound , so i jumped on it. i got to the place out east of new york, and they had a 150 gal tank full of mangled and hurt fish. im not wanting to sound like a bad guy, i only had a enough money to save two of the worst off fish, my wife called me crazy for "wasting the money on some stupid sick f@#$ing fish". and now i have a hospital tank with two fish a 9" hippo tang and a 6" yellow tang. the yellow and hippo are doing well, eating and swimming but are missing most if not all there fins.
...so..please manhatten reefers. im a beginner an yes "the yuts" i have bitten off more then i can chew (ive had a run in with you already) im asking if there or is something more i can do to help the fish. I AM BEGINNER...please be kind as your words can hurt things that are un-seen. any sound advice will be greatly appreciated.
...so..please manhatten reefers. im a beginner an yes "the yuts" i have bitten off more then i can chew (ive had a run in with you already) im asking if there or is something more i can do to help the fish. I AM BEGINNER...please be kind as your words can hurt things that are un-seen. any sound advice will be greatly appreciated.