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Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
Rating - 100%
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Hey guys..
Alright well I decided to just go and buy an RO filter, rather than spending $12/5gallons of Petco Ocean water... I think it'll be more cost effective, and just more convenient.

I was looking to get this unit..

Reef 5st 100GPD Reverse Osmosis RO Water Filters#ROH-5-100

from http://www.purewaterclub.com/

Sorry I can't direct link it for some reason, but when you go to the page its the $90 unit.

The 2 questions I have..

1) Is this going to be suitable for my needs? (6 gallon nano cube reef tank w/ just soft coral and POSSIBLY my 24g aquapod w/ just soft coral as well.)

2) I would assume that I'd need some kind of a sturdy tank to hold the water, so that the float valve can be installed? I don't think I could use one of those 20 gallon plastic storage bins, because the walls of it are flimsy.

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