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Ok everyone wanted some feed back on this. i have 1x mp40 on a 220 i know i need another one. but my ? is the one i have whats the best placement for it? i have it about 6 inches down from the top. is this good? should i move it down more? ive been trying to get good waves and cant and reef crest seems like my coral dont move. anyone have any ideas why this could be? what am i doing wrong?


Old School Reefer
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Everyone's placement will vary. The way your aquascaping is positioned will affect the way the flow in your tank responds to the VorTech pump.

Do you have the MP40w turned up to high flow? Is it dialed down a bit? The obvious solution would be a second MP40w. I don't like recommending this because as you know this is an expensive pump. However, in a 220g tank that is 6' long, a single pump is an ambitious attempt at providing adequate flow. I do think a second MP40w would be the right way to solve your flow problem.



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Everyone's placement will vary. The way your aquascaping is positioned will affect the way the flow in your tank responds to the VorTech pump.

Do you have the MP40w turned up to high flow? Is it dialed down a bit? The obvious solution would be a second MP40w. I don't like recommending this because as you know this is an expensive pump. However, in a 220g tank that is 6' long, a single pump is an ambitious attempt at providing adequate flow. I do think a second MP40w would be the right way to solve your flow problem.


+1 My last tank was a 220....and I started out with 2 mp40's....With out a dought you need two in this tank to get some good flow.....I cant comment on where to put them becouse like Russ said we dont know your aquascaping....However, I dont want to scare you but I ended up with 4 of them in my 220......:happysad:


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I've seen them on the same side (although rare) and on opposite ends (more common). You should also check the ecotech forum but I think Tim Marks at ecotech recommends the pumps on opposite sides of the tank but it really depends on your aquascape as mentioned.


Old School Reefer
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David, the opposing sides will give you a real nice wireless master/slave synchronized wave action. I believe this would be a good way to go. As Ernie said, some people do mount them on the same side, although much less frequently seen this way.


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